Describe your business?
Family Transition Place is a social service agency providing safety, support and hope to women and their children who have experienced abuse, sexual assault or homelessness. FTP is located in Orangeville and has been providing service to women (and a few men) in Dufferin County for almost 30 years.
Why do you do your business (describe your passion for the business)?
I am inspired by the courage of the women who come to FTP for help. I am passionate about making sure that this agency is the best it possibly can be, because the women who seek refuge with us deserve no less. I am also passionate about the work we do to educate our community about why violence has no place in our schools, homes or community. I come to work every day knowing that, as the Director of this agency, I am contributing to something profoundly important. On an individual level, we improve – and sometimes save – lives. On a systemic level, we are working to create a safer, more equitable and respectful community for us all. How could I not be passionate about that?
How has Dufferin Women in Business / GDACC benefited your business?
Family Transition Place has a strong presence in Dufferin County. We are privileged and honoured by the community support we receive. Many of the strong relationships needed for this kind of support are fostered through our connections with members of the Dufferin Women in Business (DWIB). Having an active role in Dufferin Women in Business has allowed the agency to grow and connect with women who want to help other women, and thus we have seen our support for the work that we do grow in both donor and volunteer support. A common question posed to us from women attending the DWIB lunch event is: “How can I personally help?” it is heartwarming to know there are so many professional women who care about our cause and want to help other women in need.
Many of the DWIB events have not only allowed FTP to increase its profile, but have also given FTP the opportunity to learn something new and increase our capacity to provide the best service possible. This happens through the networking opportunities but also through the educational workshops and sharing of best practices that are unique to our community.
FTP has always appreciated the additional efforts that the DWIB group has provided when it comes to allowing free promotion via their media outlets.
What is the best piece of advice or business tip you would give to businesses in Dufferin County?
Get involved, stay connected and support each other. We only succeed by standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before! We need each other.